Heart in Arms (2009)

"Heart in Arms" is the fifth English musical performed by students of Shatin Pui Ying College.



Act 1

On the National Day of Canston, King Douglas is seriously injured by an assassin with a poisonous arrow. The assassin escapes and informs Queen Margaret of Jersey who ploted the assassination. Finding out her Queen mother’s evil act, Princess Eileen is deeply troubled and challenges her mother. Canston’s Prince Howard and Prince Bennett head towards Jersey with soldiers to find the antidote which could save the king.

Act 2

Howard and Bennett get lost in a fearsome forest, surrounded by tribesmen. Irritated, Howard shoots his gun. The tribesmen, totally awed, worship Howard. Howard is pleased to be their leader. Bennett reminds Howard about their obligations. Howard says he does not care whether the old King Douglas lives or dies. In disappointment and anger, Bennett continues his journey with his soldiers.

Act 3

Bennett’s troop arrives at a desert. Starved and disorientated, the soldiers argue among themselves. Suddenly bandits led by a beautiful woman, Aurelia, attack Bennett’s troop. The troop fights back but in vain. Bennett is hurt and begins to have illusions of his parents.

Act 4

Princess Eileen saves the unconscious Bennett and brings him back to Jersey’s palace and hide him in a closet. Queen Margaret tells Eileen that she has arranged Eileen to marry a rich merchant. Eileen finds it deplorable that her mother would so disregard her daughter’s happiness. Margaret notices Bennett’s presence and arrests the prince. She proudly admits her assassination plot. Eileen pretends to be Bennett’s hostage in order that they can both escape.

Act 5

On the run, Bennett and Eileen go into a dark forbidden area and are surrounded by mummies. They escape. Bennett finds out where the antidote is. A mysterious voice, which can only be heard by Bennett, keeps challenging Bennett by casting doubts on his loyalty to the King and to his country. The voice incites Bennett to shirk his obligations and simply go away with Eileen. Bennett is lost. Eileen works to have his conscience reawakened. With Eileen’s help, Bennett finally overcomes his frailty and secures the antidote.

Act 6

The folks in Canston are worried about the King’s condition. In good time, Prince Bennett duly brings back the antidote. The King is healed. At this joyful time, Jersey’s troops, led by Queen Margaret, attack Canston. Howard’s troops arrives on time to defeat the Jersey enemies. King Douglas forgives Howard who repents of his past sins. Margaret is allowed to go free. Princess Eileen returns to Jersey with her mother. Eileen believes that with faith, hope and love, her mother will finally let go of hatred and lust for power.