English Musical 2019


We take pleasure in announcing the performance of Twinkle of the Aye, our biennial English musical, in July 2019 at the Shatin Pui Ying College Auditorium.

The two-hour show (with an intermission) is a collaborative effort of 200 students and teachers which showcases an abundant gift of language, music, dances, creativity and leadership. The script is written by students, and the songs are all original works composed by students, alumni and teachers. A school orchestra will perform live. Costume-making comes under the able craftsmanship of parents. After months of hard work, it is now show time.

自1999-2001年起,沙田培英中學每兩年均公演一齣英語音樂劇,至今已公演九齣,並將於今年七月三日至五日(星期三至五) 假沙田培英中學禮堂公演第十齣英語音樂劇 Twinkle of the Aye,藉此推廣藝術教育,優化英語學習環境。

"Twinkle of an eye" 意即「一瞬間」,"Aye"是海盜的專有用語,代表主角曾短暫成為海盜的經歷。故事講述Genevieve和Cassandra兩姊妹,一次和家人衝突後穿越時空,輾轉到了一艘海盜船,並彷彿遇見年青時候的父母。為了查清底蘊,兩姊妹決定跟隨他們去歷險。到底他們四人在歷險旅程中有什麼經歷?兩位陌生海盜真的是她們的父母嗎?兩姊妹又能否返回現實世界與家人團聚?故事主題希望帶出,與家人相處,必須要彼此了解、體諒和尊重。


公演日期及時間﹕二零一九年七月三日 (星期三) (2:30pm、7:30 pm)

        二零一九年七月四日 (星期四) (10:15am、2:30pm、7:30 pm)

        二零一九年七月五日 (星期五) (10:15am、2:30pm、7:30 pm)



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