Mr So Dick Fai

Every musical production is an odyssey that is filled with tension and challenges on day one.

The first crucial element is a brilliant script. My mentor once told me that “Scripts display the Spine of plays”. This is why our toughest task at the initial stage was to adapt the Shakespearean play into a musical. Thanks to our undeterrable and steadfast editing team, we came up with a remarkable text. Thus armed, we proceeded to the next stage – casting.

Among the many candidates were experienced actors who demonstrated solid and convincing talents. There were also beginners who were guileless but showed potential. The casting process turned into an interactive learning platform, where young people learned to accept their weaknesses and amplify their strengths. At rehearsals, actors explored the boundaries of their own characters as well as the range of gestures and vocal cords available to them. Some came well-prepared with an excellent grasp of their roles; whereas some experimented on the way, craving for perfection. Enthusiastic at rundowns and humble during evaluations, these young talents paved the way for our success today.

The audience would probably focus on the glamour on stage, which showcases all sorts of sound, light, and visual effects. But for me, collaboration with colleagues and students remain ever pleasurable. It was truly creativity-at-work, starting with zero, and ending with something which grants us great joy and satisfaction. We built, we crushed, we re-made, till everything came together into the grandeur we achieve today.

The entire team, teachers and students both, are as resilient as they are uncomplaining. Every time I passed by the costume workshop, I witnessed the dedication of selfless parent-volunteers labouring over the costumes-in-the-making. I remain touched and grateful that the youth of Shatin Pui Ying are blessed with such wonderful parents so prepared to support them. I also saw the set and props team colouring and constructing the stage every time I walked by the school hall. I deeply admire the swiftness with which they dealt with all sorts of technical challenges, yet retaining their poise and grace at all times. If you look beyond the curtains, you see blood, sweat and tears from our teacher-student team who had been working so feverishly over the past two years. If you have applause to offer, the applause goes to each and every member of this production team, especially those who might otherwise go unsung.

I am grateful to all of you. Your support has made this odyssey so much more alive and enjoyable. I realize now that for me there is no end to this journey. Each and every step I took allowed me to learn, to experience, and to grow, becoming part of my being. Quoting from a previous vice-principal, who is an expert mountaineer, “I enjoy hiking because I have a photographic purpose; but I LOVE it because I can enjoy the chilly breeze, the fresh air, and the magnificent view from above.”

Perhaps the beginning is already the conclusion.