Our world is constantly changing, and education is also subject to this process. In the old days, education was seen as a simple business of imparting knowledge to ignorant minds. Nowadays a complete and rounded education must encompass moral, intellectual, physical and social development. Students are no longer considered empty vessels, passively absorbing subject knowledge from the teacher. They are encouraged to take an active role in their own education, to develop important life skills such as the ability to communicate and cooperate with others, to think creatively and to present their ideas in an engaging way. Thus today's holistic approach to education gives students more opportunities to find their own strengths and take control of their lives.

The production of a musical is one way in which the aims of modern education can be achieved. The performance itself is only a product, yet many different tasks and processes are involved in its realization and these reflect the different aspects of education mentioned earlier. For example, it involves the writing of script and lyrics, the composition of music and songs, choreography, acting, set and costume design, light and sound effects and publicity. Students may contribute according to their skills and interests. In the process of production they will gain not only specific skills such as acting or song-writing, they will also learn to be creative and to cooperate with others, thereby taking their learning to a higher level.

As an educator, I know that students can benefit from this process in many ways, but above all I hope that they can take with them from this experience a spirit of service, forgiveness and love.

Service: For any organization to achieve its goals, all the individuals within the group must cooperate with each other. Nobody can succeed by working alone, apart from the group. Therefore every person's contribution is vital to the success of the enterprise.

Forgiveness: Everyone makes mistakes and we often find ourselves forced by circumstances to take a particular course of action. If we try to understand and forgive others, the barriers between us will be broken down and our happiness will be restored.

Love: Our care for others should not be determined by existing relationships. Never be suspicious, jealous or prejudiced. Make love the basis of your relationships with others and the world will be a more harmonious and peaceful place.

I would like to leave you with one last thought. In the words of my old primary school's motto:

"Work for others. Don't just let them work for you."


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