> White Chess
    > Black Chess
    > I Believe in You
    > The Game
The sky above

Music by 4E Nicole Wong
Lyrics by Mr. John Lavin (NET)

Peter: It is blue
It is wide
And the clouds that cross it are white
Can't you see
Can't you feel
That my love's as real as the sky above

Linda: Yes it's blue
It's wide
And the clouds that cross it are white
Let me see
Let me hold you
For I don't know if you're true

Peter: You know I love you

Linda: I do but I feel so confused

Peter: Look right up there in the sky
Two birds so close like you and I

Linda: But you know that birds are free to fly
They may fly away so fast and never come back

Peter: Yes I know
It's up to you and I
Let us laugh
Let us cry
Let us stay or just fly

Linda: Are we like those love birds in the sky
Are we totally, crazily, honestly, heartily in love

Peter: We are like those love birds in the sky
We are totally, crazily, honestly, heartily in love

Duet: Is it true
Is is right
That our love's as strong as the light
Can you see
Can you feel my love
It's as real as the sky above

    > How poor am I
    > Fantastic
    > You are the One
    > Precious Love
    > Heartbreak
    > I'll trust you if I can


Copyright © 2005. All rights reserved by Shatin Pui Ying College.